Welcome to the SRC Young Chemists website!

SAVE THE DATE | 16 May 2025 @ULB

The Young Chemists division of the Société Royale de Chimie (SRC) is pleased to invite you to its

2025 annual Research Day dedicated to “Chemistry for a Better Society”.

Register now and submit an abstract!


The SRC Young Chemists is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Société Royale de Chimie (SRC), dedicated to supporting young researchers. Our committee consists of PhD students from universities across the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB) in Belgium, including ULB, UCLouvain, ULiège, UMons, and UNamur. 



Our mission is to connect young chemists from the FWB—whether they are Master students or early-career researchers—and to provide a supportive environment to facilitate their integration into the scientific community. To achieve this, we organize several events aimed at fostering collaboration and exchanges of ideas in a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere.

Our event, the “SRC Young Chemists’ Day”, is an annual one-day seminar that allows participants to present their research through short oral talks or poster sessions. This event highlights the breadth of research conducted across the FWB and serves as a valuable platform for networking, enabling young researchers to meet peers, exchange ideas, and forge potential collaborations. Whilst sharing knowledge lies at the heart of our mission, we also emphasize the importance of exploring new opportunities—whether by building scientific collaborations or by gaining exposure to industrial chemistry. To support this, we actively engage industrial and non-academic partners to contribute to the event through keynote talks and networking activities.

In addition to promoting professional development, we organize visits to industrial companies to provide young chemists with insights into the different facets of the chemical industry and its related fields. To further enrich our offerings, we include non-scientific activities that encourage informal networking and social interactions bonding, helping young researchers build connections that extend beyond the workplace.