22 May 2023 | Modelling: a powerful tool for your research in Chemistry

This event took place at the University of Mons


08:30 | Welcome coffee, registration and poster display

09:25 | Opening remarks

09:30 | Keynote #1 | Dr. David BELJONNE - UMons - "A computational microscope view on organic electronics"

10:15 | Talk #1 | David DELLEMME - Understanding the Self-Assembly of Precision Catalytic Oligomers through Molecular Dynamics Simulations

10:30 | Talk #2 | Robin DANTINNE - Investigating the influence of the Substrate Temperature on the growth mechanism of allyl alcohol Plasma Polymer Films: a step toward the fabrication of Nanoporous silver-based Wrinkled material

10:45 | Coffee break

11:00 | Keynote #2 | Prof. Benoît CHAMPAGNE - UNamur - "Walk of a theoretical chemist in the field of nonlinear optics"

11:45 | Talk #3 | François MAIRESSE - First Principle Evaluation of the Second Harmonic Generation response of Reference Organic and Inorganic Crystals

12:00 | Talk #4 | Komlanvi SEVI KAKA- A Quantum Chemical Investigation of the Second Hyperpolarizability of P-nitroaniline

12:15 | Talk #5 | Gwendal HENRARD - Mass Spectrometry and Photochemical Study of Photoisomerization and Thermal Back-Isomerization of Heteroaryl Azobenzene Anchored on Peptoids for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy

12:30 | Lunch and poster session

14:00 | Keynote #3 | Dr. Andrea MINOIA - UMons - "Computational chemistry: a bridge between theory and experiment"

14:45 | Talk #6 | Runtian ZHENG - Prussian Blue Analogue with Fast Kinetics for Ammonium-Ion Battery

15:00 | Talk #7 | Andra MIHAELA ONAS - Electrografting Protected Aryldiazonium Salts: Strategy for Controllable Design of Aptasensing Platforms

15:15 | Talk #8 | Bassalia OUATTARA- Optimization of phenolic compounds extraction and flavonoids identification from Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf leaf extracts by LC-MS analysis

15:30 | Coffee break

15:45 | Talk #9 | Benjamin TASSIGNON - Peptoids as Promising Azobenzene Support for the Chemical Storage of Solar Energy

16:00 | Talk #10 | Manuel A. CARDOSA-GUTIERREZ - Bond Breaking of Furan-Maleimide Adducts via a Diradical Sequential Mechanism under an External Mechanical Force

16:15 | Talk #11| Julien ANNIBALETTO - Rhodium-Catalyzed ortho-(Hetero)Arylation of Anilines Using a Traceless Directing Group

16:30 | Closing remarks and awards

17:00 | Drink and networking session





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