The results of the LITME@WORK project have been published in Jacques, J., & Collard, A-S. (Eds.) (2019). Digital Media Literacy in Teamwork and Distance Work: Competences, Discourse and Organizational Design. Namur: Presses universitaires de Namur.
This book is openly accessible and can be freely downloaded in PDF by using this link.
Working papers
The main results an recommendations of the LITME@WORK project are summarized in a working paper:
- In English: "How can Digital Media Literacy be Further Integrated in Team and Distance Work Structures and Practices in Order
to Support Effective, Stimulating and Meaningful Ways of Working?" - In French: "Comment développer les compétences médiatiques numériques pour encourager des pratiques de travail collaboratif
à distance efficaces, stimulantes et porteuses de sens pour les travailleurs ?" - In Dutch: "Hoe kan digitale mediageletterdheid
verder geïntegreerd worden in de structuren en praktijken van team- en afstandswerk om effectief, stimulerend, en betekenisvol werk mogelijk te maken?"