SRC Prize – Jean-Claude Braekman
Jean-Claude Braekman, Emeritus Professor at ULB, is recognized for his contributions to the field of life molecules, stereospecific syntheses, and the elucidation of complex chemical structures. He has taught and enthusiastically encouraged young people to engage in research for many years.
As Secretary General of the Société Royale de Chimie (SRC) for 17 years, he contributed to bringing Belgian chemists together and promoting interdisciplinary exchanges that generate ideas and innovations. He has also always defended the image of chemistry and its role in society, leading the divisions and sections of the SRC within the Federation Wallonia-Brussels across the five French-speaking universities.
We propose that the SRC honor him by creating a prize in his name.
The SRC Jean-Claude Braekman Prize, amounting to €500, is awarded annually by the Société Royale de Chimie to a PhD student who has spent time in a foreign laboratory as part of a scientific collaboration.
The goal is to encourage or recognize international collaborations between researchers in Belgium and researchers from other scientific institutions, aiming for both human and scientific enrichment (visits, stays, exchange of products, methods, etc.).
This prize is open to any PhD student regularly enrolled at a university within the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and a member of the Société Royale de Chimie (SRC).
The purpose of this prize is to ask a young chemist candidate from the SRC to make a concise 5-minute presentation (3 PowerPoint slides, excluding the title page and any acknowledgments) during the Annual Meeting Day organized by the Young Chemists Division on the topic: "The foreign laboratory I collaborated with during my PhD. And why?"
First, applicant must register and submit an abstract to the Young Chemists’ Day 2025 through the registration from before 31 March 2025.
Then, an application must be submitted electronically to the SRC Young Chemists ( before 11 April 2025. Complete application files must include:
- 3 pages (PowerPoint slides) in a single PDF file,
- A cover letter including contact details: address, email, and phone number. Optionally, the candidate may include a letter from their thesis supervisor and/or the head of the "host" laboratory.
The Jury members will be informed of the acceptable submissions by the SRC Secretariat three weeks before the Young Chemists’ Day 2025.
Jury and Award
The winner will be selected by a majority vote from the Jury, composed of two members of the SRC Young Chemists Committee, two members of the SRC Board of Directors, and chaired by Jean-Claude Braekman.