Registration Guidelines Registration is free but mandatory. Please provide us with contact information and use the "comment" box for any question or to specify any food-related issues (allergies, gluten or lactose intolerance, vegetarian, ...). If you wish to present a poster or a talk, you can either upload the file while registering or send us your abstract by email: Deadlines Abstracts: 31 MARCH 2025 Registration: 31 MARCH 2025 Registration form Your E-Mail Address Your Title Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Other Last Name First Name Your Affiliation ULBUCLouvainUNamurULiègeUMonsVUBKULeuvenUAntwerpUGentUHasseltOther If other affiliation, please specify Position Professor, Post-Doc, PhD student, student, ... I am a SRC Member Yes No I will be present for Lunch Please specify any food-related issues (allergies, gluten or lactose intolerance, vegetarian...) in the "comments" box below. Yes No I will take part in the drink and the networking session Yes No I would like to submit an abstract Yes No Please specify your preference for the abstract submission Talk Talk Jean-Claude Braekman Prize (SRC Member Only) Flash talk + Poster Poster Abstract Title Please specify the title of your abstract. You can send us your abstract later by email. Please check the guidelines and deadlines and use the template available on the "abstract instruction" page. Please upload your abstract here Optional - You can send us your abstract later by email: Please use the TEMPLATE available on the abstract instruction page and send us a WORD format document. I would like an access for the visitor's car park ULB car park is accessible for registered visitors. Information about location will be send later by email. Yes No Please provide your license plate number This information is mandatory to access the visitor's car park. Please provide your mobile phone number This information is mandatory to access the visitor's car park. If you wish, you can submit your CV Your CV will be included in the event's CB book, which can be consulted by the event's industrial and/or academic partners. By submitting your CV, you agree to be contacted for job offers. Personal Data Protection By filling in this form, I authorize the organizers to use my data in order to communicate before, during and after the conference, to build participants lists and establish participation certificates. The organizers commit not to keep the data for longer than needed and will not use the data for any other reason than this conference or related SRC topics. Yes I would like to receive information about events and activities organized by the SRC Young Chemists Yes No Comments Please specify any food-related issues (allergies, gluten or lactose intolerance, vegetarian, ...) or any other questions or comments in this box. After submission, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you automatically by “”. Please, do not reply to this email. For any questions, please contact us at