Welcome to the GCMC2025 conference website!

1st Global Chinese Materials Conference (GCMC2025)

The Founding Meeting of the Global Association of Overseas Chinese Materials Scholars Association (GAOCMS)

The First Global Chinese Materials Conference and the Founding Meeting of the Global Chinese Materials Scholars Association will be held in Namur, a beautiful and ancient castle city in Belgium, from July 22 to 28, 2025. Prof. Bai Chunli, former president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, served as the honorary chairman of the conference. The conference will be co-organized by the University of Namur, Belgium and Wuhan University of Technology, China and supported by Foshan Xianhu Laboratory and other organizations.

The theme of this conference is "Materials Frontier in the AI Era".

We extend a cordial invitation to all the Chinese materials scholars from across the globe to participate in this first event.









主办单位: 全球海外华人材料学者学会(Global Association of Overseas Chinese Materials Scholars - GAOCMS)

承办单位: 比利时那慕尔大学(University of Namur, Belgium)

                  武汉理工大学(Wuhan University of Technology, China)

协办单位: 佛山仙湖实验室(广东) (Foshan Xianhu Laboratory , Guangdong)

                  材料复合新技术国家重点实验室(武汉理工大学) (State Key Laboratory                    of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing,                            WHUT)

支持单位: 广东院士联合会(Federation of Guangdong Academicians, Guangdong)




首届全球华人材料大会 (GCMC2025)暨全球海外华人材料学者学会(GAOCMS)成立大会将于2025年7月22-28日在比利时美丽古老的城堡城市那慕尔市举行。中国科学院原院长白春礼院士担任大会名誉主席。此次会议由比利时那慕尔大学(University of Namur)和武汉理工大学(Wuhan University of Technology)共同承办, 佛山仙湖实验室(广东)及材料复合新技术国家重点实验室 (武汉理工大学)等单位协办,广东院士联合会为支持单位。

本次大会主题为“AI时代的材料前沿”。会议报告的学科方向包括(但不限于): 能源材料、环境材料、 结构材料、功能材料、复合材料、信息材料、多孔材料、生物材料、生命复合材料、AI与材料、材料设计与表征等。大会设大会报告、邀请报告、口头报告及墙报展示进行大会及分会交流。国家科技最高奖获得者薛其坤院士及未来科学大奖获得者张涛院士做大会报告。会议语言: 中文/英文。

在此诚邀诸位学者专家拨冗莅临, 见证全球海外华人材料学者学会成立历史时刻、话材料未来。