
The first bePOM conference took place on 11 September 2020.

Final programme

10:00-10:05 | Opening Remarks

10:05-10:35 | Pascal Kockaert (ULB) @PascalKockaert

                       Characterization of 2D materials for optical applications: interplay between the interaction model 

                       and the measurement technique.

10:35-11:05 | Luc Henrard (UNamur) @LucHenrard1

                       Plasmonic at the nanoscale.

11:05-11:35 | Sammy Verbruggen (UAntwerp) Website

                       Studying the Activity and Stability of Plasmonic Photocatalysts using Core-Shell systems.

11:35-12:05 | Olivier Absil (ULg) @AbsilOli

                       Nanostructured infrared vortex phase masks for stellar coronagraphy.

12:05-13:20 | e-Lunch | Break 1

13:20-13:50 | Heidi Ottevaere (VUB) @hottevae

                       Brussels Photonics: from pilot line for freeform-based optics to optofluidic chips.

13:50-14:20 | Dries Van Thourhout (UGent) @DThourhout

                       Heterogeneous integration for Silicon Photonics.

14:20-14:50 | Christophe Caucheteur (UMons)

                       Optical fiber gratings biosensors.

14:50-15:05 | e-Tea | Break 2

15:05-15:35 | Clément Lauzin (UCL)

                       Optics and lasers for high-resolution molecular spectroscopy.

15:35-16:05 | Christophe Caloz (KUL) Website - @calozch

                       Towards Magnetless Optical Nonreciprocity.

16:05-16:35 | Milos Nesladek (UHasselt)

                       Detecting single electron and nuclear spins in diamond.

16:35-16:45 | Closing Remarks