The 2023 edition | Details and programme

4th bePOM edition - 21 & 22 September 2023

A 2-day free event | One day online - One day hybrid online/on site @VUB

Tutorials & invited talks & Contributed talks by topic selected upon the abstracts

Day 1: Gather Town & a fully online poster session

Day 2: On site industry representation & networking sessions

Our 2023 topics

Topic #1: Quantum, non linear & laser optics

Topic #2: Biosensing & Biophotonics: From micro- to nanoscale

Topic #3: Optical design, manufacturing & imaging systems

Topic #4: Nanophotonics, plasmonics & metamaterials

Our 2023 programme

Day #1: Thursday 21 September 2023 - online

08:30 | Welcome in Gather Town & Opening

Quantum, non-linear and laser optics session

09:00 | Tutorial session: Prof. Yves Caudano (UNamur) - Quantum weak measurements in optics

09:40 | Contributed talk : Nicolas Roisin (UCLouvain) - Band gap narrowing in highly-strained silicon beams observed using photoluminescence spectroscopy

Nanophotonics, plasmonics & metamaterials

09:55 | Invited talk: Dr. Roy Aerts (UAntwerpen) - Chiroptical Spectroscopy : Using Advanced Algorithms and AI

10:25 | Contributed talk: Nicolas Roy (UNamur) - Physics and computers: a love story that just started

10:40 | Coffee & Chocolate break

Biosensing & Biophotonics: From micro- to nanoscale

       11:00 | Tutorial session: Prof. Karolien de Wael (UAntwerpen) - Photo(bio)electrochemical sensors  

       11:40 | Contributed talk: Sara Abbasi (VUB)- Rapid and Accurate Differentiation of Sickle Cell Disease from Normal Hemoglobin using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Belgian from abroad

       11:55 | Carreer-oriented discussion : Prof. Tom Vettenburg (Dundee University) - From Airlines to Airy beams for Microscopy

12:35 | Lunch "Tartines & Boterhammen"

13:30 | Poster session

Optical design, manufacturing & imaging systems

14:50 | Invited talk: Prof. Frédérik Leloup (KULeuven) - Development of an image-based glossmeter

15:20 | Contributed talk: Simone Sorgato (VUB) - Custom fabrication of freeform refracting, reflective and diffractive components for a LiDAR system

15:35 | How to pitch your research in 3 minutes by Gwenaëlle Lefeuvre (Photonics Bretagne)

16:15 | Beer break & Gather Networking

Day #2 : Friday 22 September 2023 - hybrid (online - on site)

09:00 | Welcome on site @VUB - U-Residence - Bd Général Jacques, 172 - 1050 Brussels (Ixelles) - How to reach us...

Optical design, manufacturing & imaging systems

09:30 | Tutorial session: Dr. Emmanuel Dekemper (BIRA-IASB) - Atmospheric composition remote sensing with acousto-optic filters

10:10 | Contributed talk: Jesús Vilaboa Pérez (ULiège) - Experimental results of an innovative dynamic low-coherent interferometer for characterising a gravitational wave detector

10:25 | Paper discussion: Prof. Vincent Ginis (VUB)

10:50 | Coffee & chocolate break

R&D talks

11:10 | R&D session: Barco, Luceda Photonics, Innovative Coatings Solutions, Lambda-X

12:30 | Job fair: Azalea Vision, Luceda Photonics, Multitel, Spectricity, EuroCC, Lambda-X

+ Lunch "Boterhammen & Tartines"

Nanophotonics, plasmonics & metamaterials

13:45 | Tutorial session: Prof. Alberto Curto (UGent) - Chiral semiconductor nanophotonics

14:25 | Contributed talk: Sofie Cambre (UAntwerp) - Reading out triplet excitons in single-wall carbon nanotubes with optically-detected magnetic resonance

Biosensing & Biophotonics: From micro- to nanoscale

14:40 | Invited talk: Dr. Tatevik Chalyan (VUB) - Nanoplasmonics for biosensing in B-PHOT

15:10 | Contributed talk: Médéric Loyez (UMons) - Tilted Fiber Bragg Gratings biosensors integrated with a 512-pixel spectrometer

Quantum, non-linear and laser optics session

15:25 | Invited talk: Dr. François Léo (ULB) - Temporal soliton in resonators

15:55 | Contributed talk: Shahab Abdollahi (VUB) - Programmable THz-range comb multiplication using a feedback-controlled multi-wavelength laser

16:10 | Concluding remarks & Awards & Drink @U-Residence

17:30 | End of drink & transfer

18:30 | Laser game

19:30 | Restaurant close to Brussels central station

BePOM 2023 is supported by