
Day #1: Thursday 19 September 2024 - online

08:45 | Welcome in Gather Town & Opening

Quantum, non-linear and laser optics session

Chairs: Pablo Marin-Palomo (VUB) & Denys Kurylo (UAntwerpen and VUB)

09:00 | Tutorial session: Prof. Xavier Gonze (UCLouvain) - “Studying white-LED phosphors with a first-principles approach”

09:40 | Contributed talk: Samara Medina Rivero (UAntwerp) - "Revealing The Role of Reactive Diradicals through Spectroscopy"

Biosensing & Biophotonics: From micro- to nanoscale

Chair: Hadrien Fasseaux (UMons)

09:55 | Tutorial session: Prof. Sabine Van Doorslaer (UAntwerpen) - Merging optical and magnetic resonance techniques for photovoltaics research

10:35 | Contributed talk: Cedric Rousseau (UMons) - "Hybrid plasmonic nanoparticles for photothermal therapy: uniform and aggregated distributions"

10:50 | Coffee & Chocolate break

Chair: Pablo Marin-Palomo (VUB)

       11:10 | “How to Get Published” from the IOP

11:50 | Poster session (list of posters availalble here)

13:00 | Lunch "Tartines & Boterhammen"

Optical design, manufacturing & imaging systems

Chairs: Koen Vanmol (VUB) & Athanasios Kyriazis (UGent)

14:00 | Tutorial session: Dr. Lionel Clermont (ULiège) - "Diffractive optics for space applications"

14:40 | Contributed talk: Genesis Mendoza Celorio (VUB) - "Script-based 3D Nanoprinting for the Creation of Gradient-Index Micro-Optics"

Quantum, non-linear and laser optics session

Chairs: Pablo Marin-Palomo (VUB) & Denys Kurylo (UAntwerpen and VUB)

14:55 | Invited talk: Dr. Spencer Jolly (ULB) : "The space-time nature of ultrashort laser pulses"

15:25 | Contributed talk: Salah Guessoum (VUB) - "Fine-Tuning VCSEL Wavelengths and Birefringence Using Applied Strain"

15:40 | Coffee & chocolate break

Career talk

            Chairs: Koen Vanmol (VUB)

16:00 | Career-oriented discussion: Francis Berghmans (VUB)

Day #2 : Friday 20 September 2024 - hybrid (online - on site)

09:00 | Welcome on site @VUB - U-Residence - Bd Général Jacques, 172 - 1050 Brussels (Ixelles) - How to reach us...

Nanophotonics, plasmonics & metamaterials

Chairs: Dmitry Levshov (UAntwerpen) & Aina Fitó-Parera (UAntwerpen)

09:30 | Tutorial session: Prof. Pieter Geiregat (UGent) : "Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers across the Visible Spectrum based on Colloidal Quantum Dots"

10:10 | Contributed talk: Waqas Zulfiqar (UNamur) - "Plasmonic electrochromism in WO3 through defect engineering"

Paper discussion - link to the paper

Chair: Gilles Rosolen (UMons)

10:25 | Dr. Michaël Lobet (UNamur)

10:50 | Coffee & chocolate break (sponsored by IOP)

Optical design, manufacturing & imaging systems

Chairs: Koen Vanmol (VUB) & Athanasios Kyriazis (UGent)

        11:10 | Invited talk: Prof. Lien Smeesters (VUB) : "Illumination optical design for industrial multispectral sensing"

        11:40 | Contributed talk: Stijn Van Cleuvenbergen (KUL) - "Imaging with a twist: Unveiling the 3D Architecture of Chiral Nematic Cellulose Nanocrystals via SHG Microscopy"

R&D talks

Chair: Aina Fitó-Parera (UAntwerpen) & Pablo Marin-Palomo (VUB)  

11:55 | R&D session

            - Swave

            - Luceda

            - FBGS

            - PhotonHub Phactory

13:15 | Job fair and Lunch "Boterhammen & Tartines"

Biosensing & Biophotonics: From micro- to nanoscale

Chair: Hadrien Fasseaux (UMons) & Yunfeng Nie (VUB)

14:30 | Invited talk: Dr. Médéric Loyez (UMons) - "From optical fibers to biosensors: what a journey"

15:00 | Contributed talk: Mehrdad Lotfi Choobbari (VUB) - "A compact microchip for efficient monitoring of microplastics in water using Raman mapping"

Nanophotonics, plasmonics & metamaterials

Chairs: Dmitry Levshov (UAntwerpen) & Aina Fitó-Parera (UAntwerpen)

15:15 | Invited talk: Dr. Aslihan Babayigit (UHasselt) : “Recent advances, opportunities and challenges in perovskite photovoltaics”

15:45 | Contributed talk: Jesús Alejandro De Sousa Rodríguez (UAntwerp) - "Monitoring triplet excitons on single-walled carbon nanotubes with chemically induced sp3 defects by Optically-Detected Magnetic Resonance"

16:00 | Concluding remarks & Awards & Drink @U-Residence

17:30 | End of drink & transfer

18:30 | Social activity (laser game @Q-Zar)

19:30 | Restaurant (@Mozart)


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